heh, hey man haven't spoke to you in a while, how you been doing?
glad to see you're still making sprite animations, reminds me of the good ol' days on newgrounds/albinoblacksheep, keep it up and hope we can talk more
heh, hey man haven't spoke to you in a while, how you been doing?
glad to see you're still making sprite animations, reminds me of the good ol' days on newgrounds/albinoblacksheep, keep it up and hope we can talk more
Hey buddy yeah its been a while. I'm doing great how are you. I miss the good old days too. I'm on Facebook a lot so anytime you wanna chat just add me at facebook.com/santhoshchris or my gmail santhoshchris@gmail.com. Take care! :)
hey man, we haven't spoke in ages, glad to see you're still making animations, keep it up
Heeeey I remember ya!
flash movie of 2011
i cried tears of joy
Good tribute
although i wasn't a big fan of that fan fiction, this is still acceptable for a tribute. one thing was pinkie was too fat lol. just make her skinny. other than that, pretty good tribute
haha i remember this
guess you decided to finally put it on newgrounds ^_^ well i still think it's worthy for this site perhaps the Video Game Music Show Should be on here as well either way still fun to watch :)
Yeah I thought NG needed to see the crazy side of my Youtube. It's a good idea to upload the full show but the size would be a little too much. Thanks for the review bro :)
weird but awesome
good to see you're still making cartoons and this is a great sequel to the last health reminder. greater quality, much creepier plot, and new faces. although your sense of humor doesn't fit everyone's taste, you'll never dissapoint me and other fans. also, it would be great if this turned into a series.
Butter On Bread
funny song, cant get it outta ny head
Age 29, Male
Joined on 10/10/10